Monday 7 May 2012

not a poem, but it's getting posted here

This is a touchy subject for a lot of people, just because you do not have a drink as soon as you awake in the morning, or have the shakes, it does mean you are not alcohol dependant. Society these days, is based around getting as wasted as you can and having sexual relations with as many people as you can. How would our ancestors feel? They would be spinning in their graves. Nightclubs charging £1 a drink on student nights is only encouraging this behaviour. Cheap booze at the local corner shop, is making gulliable young people have health problems. These people need to take a long look at their lives at realise that life is a gift. Getting so drunk you can't remember the night, or how you got home, is pathetic. When are these people going to wake up and smell the coffee?? It IS possible to go out, get drunk, but STILL get home in one piece. Look at George Best, alcohol completely ruined his life. He was the best footballer to come out of England for a long time, he wasted his life getting drunk. Alcoholics do not just appear on The Jeremy Kyle Show, anybody who has to get completely wasted every single weekend, is alcohol dependant.

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